ART | Unexpected places to hang art

unexpected places to hang art

Art is a quirky way to add your personality or inject a little quirk or delight into a space. Hanging art these underrated places will add depth to your interior and make you smile while doing the boring-est of jobs.

Alice Oehr Lady Finger Banana 2018.jpg

Bathroom + Pantry

Pantry - I always think art in the pantry can be a good opportunity for those little still life paintings of food or pantry items or even some vintage advertising of a snack from your childhood that makes you smile. One of my students in The Art Buyer’s Course told me she had purchased an Alice Oehr print of a passionfruit sponge because she loved the colours of it but also it reminded her of her Mum.

Bathroom - We spend a fair bit of time in a bathroom each day so consider the little moments of enjoyment you can create. For example do you have a wall or window ledge that you look at when you are sitting in a bath or brushing your teeth? Don’t forget to consider the type of art you hang in a bathroom should be fairly resistant to the steam and moisture it will be in contact with. Therefore probably not that very expensive photograph that you saved up for!



Whether it is under the stairs, up the stairs or on a landing there are so many different opportunities here mostly because we view these walls from so many different locations. Consider how you travel up and down the stairs and where you are viewing the works from. For example if you have a long hallway leading up to your stairs with a blank wall underneath I would go bold with the artwork so it can be viewed from a long way back in your space.

Hills Hoist Ad – Australian Women’s Weekly, November 1956.jpg


Mostly when in this room we will be doing fairly menial tasks so why not add a little something something in here to make you smile. I love the idea of using vintage advertising from The Australian Women’s Weekly… how far we have come from the 1950s, I definitely wasn’t asking for a clothes line for my Christmas present that’s for sure.

Alice Lane Interior.jpg


I talk a lot about NOT hanging artworks above your bed (more on that another day) and making the most of opportunities like hanging a small work above your bedside. It does break the eye level hanging rule BUT I think it’s justified as we are often sitting on the edge of our beds before getting in and therefore an artwork down lower will become eye height from that level. It also means you can choose something for your side of the bed that is uniquely yours. story online can make all the difference.

Keen to know more? Check out my Workshop page to register for the Art for interiors workshop or message me an image of your wall on instagram for some assistance with your art selections.