RENOVATE | Let's talk about toilets
Let’s talk about toilets
Toilets are probably one of the most functional objects in our house. Why then can it be so tricky to get them right? I think it’s because there is a high expectation of function while at the same time the need to keep it out of sight, out of mind. Things to keep in mind…
1 | KEEP A LID ON IT - when choosing a hidden cistern toilet unit, make sure the flush plate (button) is located above the lid when it is open. Why? It means you don’t have to touch the lid to be able to flush the toilet. Alternatively use a soft close lid which barely needs to be touched to close and keep the flush plate below the height of the open lid. It comes down to personal preference as to whether you like to keep the toilet lid closed or not.
2 | DOORS OPEN - when you open the door to your bathroom, what is the first thing you see? Where possible I arrange the bathroom so the toilet is obscured from direct view of any doorway. If I can’t achieve this I aim to have some sort of focal point to take the focus away from it like this tile.
3 | LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION - if you get the chance with your spatial planning make sure the location of the toilet doesn’t make it uncomfortable for you or guests to use the bathroom. For example, does the toilet door open right out near main living areas like open plan kitchen and dining spaces? How can you obscure this and make it more private.
Need some other tips of how to get your floor plans right? Get my Floor plans 101 Guide here.
Image | Cameron Smith via Unsplash